Full disclosure, I LOVE (love) a cheesy Christmas romance, so get ready for my totally unbiased thoughts on the Netflix original Holiday Rush. A single dad, some Christmas spirit and a friends-to-lovers storyline … I am here for it.
- I love that single dad Rush has taken the time for a proper morning routine. That robe is luxe! As JVN would say, ‘it’s not vanity, it’s self-care’. But why is he shaving his forehead? Is this a guy thing I’m just not privy to?
- The twins are 10/10 relatable – what’s not to love about a mini horse? I, like all of us, went through my own horse stage, and I don’t think this is an unreasonable request.
- Who is this Roxy chick, and why is she in their kitchen this early in the morning? She is either a potential love interest or she’s the sister.
- Mya’s teenage ‘it’s too early for teachable moments’ is 100% accurate and I don’t even hate her for it.
- Aunt Jo telling it how it is. We’ve only met three kids so far, but greedy does seem to sum them up.
- I love a Christmas pun! And Rush sleighed this one.
- These kids need a massive reality check. They’re as spoilt as milk left out on the bench in the middle of summer, and I sure am hoping this is headed in the direction of knocking some sense into them.
- If only we all had Rush’s confidence that we are THAT GOOD at our jobs.
- Also Roxy’s confidence that everything is going to work out even though they are both (SPOILERS) out of a job.
- Are Americans allowed to fire people for no reason? This sounds like a redundancy, but with no notice or severance package? That’s cold. And right before Christmas, too!
- ‘This is not a pie situation.’ I’m sorry Aunt Jo, but every situation is a pie situation.
- Okay, here’s the definitely-not-his-sister-Roxy and Rush content I’m looking for. That was a seriously extended hand hold right there.
- Newsflash, Rush! Someone who is just a ‘friend’ is not risking their 401K for you.
- This scene with the ghost of Rush’s late wife is really beautiful. The kids might be annoying and spoilt, but you really feel for them having missed out on such a wonderful warm mum.
- Sort yourself out, Rush, even your wife’s ghost sees there’s something between you and Roxy!
- Ex-boss Marshall is the absolute worst.
- Forget the fact that this new building does not look like a radio station, that was one lingering as heck shoulder touch right there.
- Yep, knew it, a definite almost kiss.
- Jamal is dealing with some heavy stuff. The kid is just trying to do his best, and he be breaking my heart.
- ‘Your insecurity is not my problem.’ PREACH, JANELLA! Especially when said to weak-spined Marshall.
- At this stage even the waiter is picking up on the sexual tension between Roxy and Rush.
- I love a romantic dinner for two, but if my date stood up and started addressing our fellow diners, I would be out of there faster than a kid to their presents on Christmas morning.
- Very divided on whether this little dance is cute or awkward.
- Kiss!!!! Finally.
- This movie has treated Paula so well as still a part of Rush and the kids’ hearts, but not in a way that doesn’t leave room for Roxy. 10/10 well done.
- Watching Rush sit down and actually talk to Jamal hits right in the feels. This is what good parenting looks like.
- I know this is a family movie first and a romance second, but I would have liked to have seen something a little more dramatic go down between Rush and Roxy. Where is the tension?
- I’m loving the character development for the kids. I almost don’t hate them at this stage.
- These matching family Christmas onesies are an actual dream, and I will be getting online after this to see where I can source a set of my own. Would the Australian equivalent be those matching Christmas rashies?
- Stop it. The words on the back of the onesies are peak Christmas cheese.
- Wait, is this not a proposal? I’m a little disappointed but can’t say I’m surprised. That seems to fit with what we’ve seen from Rush so far.
- ‘My teeth were hot, just letting them get a little bit of air’ from villain turned mediocre Christmas saviour Marshall may possibly be the best line in the whole movie.
- Wow, holy heck, Aunt Jo is BANGING. Even at 26, there’s no way I’m pulling off that dress.
- And after everything, we get the happily ever after we’re looking for in our Christmas movie binge. Nothing particularly ground-breaking but the warm ginger-scented feels we were promised. I’d give it a 7/10 on the Netflix Christmas movie scale.