The From-Aways

The From-Aways

by C. J. Hauser


Imprint: Avon US

Release date: 2014-05-19

Pages: 368 Pages

ISBN: 9780062310750


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Two young women come to Maine looking for family and find more love, heartbreak, and friendship than they ever imagined one little fishing town could hold

About the author

C. J. Hauser

C. J. Hauser

CJ’s fiction has appeared in Tin House, TriQuarterly, Third Coast, The L Magazine, The Brooklyn Review, The Laurel Review, The Kenyon Review, and Esquire.She is the 2010 recipient of McSweeney’s Amanda Davis Highwire Fiction Award, the winner of the 2012 Jaimy Gordon Prize in Fiction and the A Room of Her Own Foundatin’s Orlando Prize for Sudden Fiction. She was also a finalist in esquire’s Short Short Fiction Competition and shortlisted for the UK’s Bridport Prize.A Brooklyn College MFA graduate, Hauser will join th Creative Writing PhD Program at Florida State in Tallahassee this fall.
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Also by C. J. Hauser