The Pregnant Bride

The Pregnant Bride

Expecting! #17


by Catherine Spencer


Imprint: Mills & Boon Sexy

Release date: 2012-07-01

Pages: 156 Pages

ISBN: 9781460833261


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Getting jilted at the altar was bad enough, but falling for the sympathetic stranger at her honeymoon hotel was much worse! Jenna Sinclair didn't regret it, though; one passion–filled night with Edmund Delaney proved she'd never truly loved her ex–fiance .

But when Jenna told Edmund she was pregnant, he was far from dismayed. It seemed he had his own agenda, and marriage to Jenna was just what he needed.... Why?

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About the author

Catherine Spencer

Catherine Spencer

In the past, Catherine Spencer has been an English teacher which was the springboard for her writing career. Heathcliff, Rochester, Romeo and Rhett were all responsible for her love of brooding heroes! Catherine has had the lucky honour of being a Romance Writers of America RITA finalist and has been a guest speaker at both international and local conferences and was the only Canadian chosen to appear on the television special, Harlequin goes Prime Time.
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Also by Catherine Spencer