From House Calls To Husband

From House Calls To Husband

Prescription: Marriage #1


by Christine Flynn


Imprint: Mills & Boon Blush Single

Release date: 2012-07-01

Pages: 183 Pages

ISBN: 9781460869321


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Cardiac surgeon Mike Brennan was six feet two inches of chiselled, masculine perfection. He had a gentle touch, a soothing voice and, boy, did he look sexy in his scrubs! He was also nurse Katie Sheppard's oldest, dearest friend. Which meant they could brush bodies, rub shoulders, wipe tears all they wanted in the medical department, but the romance department was forever off limits. After all, Katie had vowed never to marry a doctor particularly one who was her best friend and best–kept secret crush .

Prescription: Marriage
When three wedding–shy nurses come down with a serious case of love, marriage may be just what the doctor ordered .

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About the author

Christine Flynn

Christine Flynn

Christine Flynn is a regular voice in Harlequin Special Edition and has written nearly forty books for the line.
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Also by Christine Flynn