Princess In The Iron Mask

Princess In The Iron Mask


by Victoria Parker


Imprint: Mills & Boon Sexy

Release date: 2013-06-01

Pages: 192 Pages

ISBN: 9781460899472


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Dispatched by the king to retrieve his head–strong errant daughter, Lucas Garcia thought this was just another day at the office.

That's before he meets Princess Claudine Verbault, who's adamant that returning to the kingdom that banished her as a child is never going to happen.

Hidden from the spotlight, the now independent Claudine has learnt the art of being the not–so–perfect princess. But Lucas does not look like the kind of man to accept insubordination! If only she could bargain with this frustratingly immovable man...or distract him from his duty…

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About the author

Victoria Parker

Victoria Parker

After years of stifling her writers muse and acquiring various uninspiring job-titles, Victoria Parker finally surrended to that persistant voice and penned her first M&B romance. Turns out, creating havoc for feisty heroines and devilish heroes truly is the best job in the world. In her spare time she dabbles in interior design, loves discovering far flung destinations and getting into mischief with her rather wonderful family.   
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Also by Victoria Parker