

by Rachel Vincent


Imprint: Mira

Release date: 2010-11-01

Pages: 560 Pages

ISBN: 9781742788876


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Here's hoping cats do have nine lives

I'm on trial for my life. Falsely accused of infecting my human ex–boyfriend– and killing him to cover up the crime. Infecting a human is one of three capital offenses recognised by the Pride– along with murder and disclosure of our existence to a human.

I'm two for three. A goner.

Now we've discovered a rogue stray terrorising the mountainside, hunting a wild teenage tabbycat. It's up to us to find and stop him before a human discovers us. With my lover Marc's help, I think I can protect the vulnerable girl from both the ambitious rogue and the scheming of the territorial council.

If I survive my own trial

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About the author

Rachel Vincent

Rachel Vincent

A native of the dust bowl, Rachel Vincent is the oldest of five siblings, and arguably the most outspoken of the bunch. She loves cats, devours chocolate and lives on flavoured coffee. Rachel's older than she looks-seriously-and younger than she feels, but remains convinced that for every day she spends writing, one more day will be added to her lifespan.She maintains a website as shown above, as well as an active blog at Rachel loves to hear from her readers via her email:
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Also by Rachel Vincent