Stolen Kiss with the Single Mum

Stolen Kiss with the Single Mum

by Deanne Anders


Imprint: Mills & Boon Medical

Release date: 2020-03-01

Pages: 192 Pages

ISBN: 9781867205029


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A stolen moment…a lifetime together?

Three years ago, single mum and nurse Lacey lost her husband in the same IED blast that left his best friend, ER doc Scott, with an injured leg and survivor’s guilt. Thrill seeker Scott’s sworn to always be there for cautious Lacey…and on one fraught night shift, this leaves them entwined in an electrifying kiss — an impulsive encounter that has him longing to keep her in his protective embrace always…

Mills & Boon Medical — Set your pulse racing with dedicated, delectable doctors in the high-pressure world of medicine!

Also by Deanne Anders