Captivating the Cynical Earl

Captivating the Cynical Earl

by Catherine Tinley


Imprint: Mills & Boon Historical

Release date: 2021-08-01

Pages: 192 Pages

ISBN: 9781867237099


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The cool, aloof Earl and the enchanting Lady.

For Jack Beresford, Earl of Hawkenden, emotional entanglements are the path to pain. But when his brother brings his new wife and her best friend to his country home, everything changes. Lady Cecily Thornhill is both vibrant and beautiful, and Jack finds himself increasingly captivated by her sunny nature. Yet he must resist her charms, for in a month she’ll be gone, unless his frozen heart thaws before then…

Mills & Boon Historical — Your romantic escape to the past.

About the author

Catherine Tinley

Catherine Tinley

Catherine Tinley writes witty, heartwarming Regency love stories. She has loved reading and writing since childhood, and has a particular fondness for love, romance, and happy endings. After a career encompassing speech and language therapy, NHS management, maternity campaigning and being President of a charity, she now works for Sure Start. She lives in Ireland with her husband, children, and dog, and can be reached at as well as on Facebook and Twitter.
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Also by Catherine Tinley