Ozarks Missing Person
Imprint: Mills & Boon Intrigue
Release date: 2023-05-01
Pages: 256 Pages
ISBN: 9781867282860
A woman’s disappearance leads to a mysterious but powerful family.
The disappearance of his sister has filled prosecuting attorney Matthew Murray with guilt over their estrangement. Then she’s found dead and Special Agent Grace Reed’s inquiries expose a politically influential family. Joining Grace in her investigation, Matthew must choose between his political ambitions and his desire for justice. But Grace’s fearlessness and resistance to intimidation inspires admiration...and more...in Matthew.
Also by Maggie Wells
Intrigue Box Set March 2025/Missing Baby Doe/Wilderness Hostage/Cold Case Murder Mystery/Catching A Hacker/Protecting The Pack/Killer In She
Intrigue Box Set Feb 2025/Child In Jeopardy/Mountain Captive/Cold Case Discovery/Shadowing Her Stalker/Special Forces K-9/Fugitive Harbour
Intrigue Box Set June 2023/Her Brand of Justice/Trapped in Texas/Wyoming Mountain Murder/Danger in the Nevada Desert/Dead Again/Oz
Intrigue Box Set May 2023/Riding Shotgun/Crime Scene Connection/Casing the Copycat/Wyoming Mountain Hostage/Over Her Dead Body/Ozarks Missing