Desiring Her Desert Prince

Desiring Her Desert Prince


by Alyssa J. Montgomery


Imprint: Escape Publishing

Release date: 2023-07-01

Pages: 208 Pages

ISBN: 9781867289562


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Dr Lauren Stephens is volunteering in Karesh when she uncovers a crime and is forced to flee for her life. When a huge sandstorm leaves her stranded in the middle of the desert, a handsome stranger comes to her rescue, taking her to his luxurious camp. As they shelter there, the attraction between career-focused Lauren and the man she assumes is a simple Bedouin herder becomes undeniable.

Crown Prince Sharif has come to this remote camp to escape from the pressure to find a suitable wife before his 30th birthday - a prerequisite for inheriting the throne. He rescues Lauren out of traditional Kareshian hospitality, but is soon captivated by her beauty and intelligence - and the fact that she is falling for him rather than his title.

As they give in to their passion, they know that their affair will be brief. But when a threat against his father's rule reunites them, will they find a way to make a future together?

'Heartfelt, emotional with a superb setting, it hit all the feels.' Clare Miles, author of Falling for the King.

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About the author

Alyssa J. Montgomery

Alyssa J. Montgomery

USA Today bestselling author Alyssa J. Montgomery lives with her husband and three children on a five-acre property nestled into a mountain range south of Sydney, Australia, and enjoys having the space for gardens, a dog, horses, goats and chickens. Visits from the native wildlife (echidnas, wallabies and a variety of native birds) are particularly welcome ... although visits from native wildlife with scales and fangs aren't met with quite as much enthusiasm!She continues to work in her private practice as a Speech-Language Pathologist. Previously she's done a stint with Qantas Airways as an international flight attendant, completed her Master...
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Also by Alyssa J. Montgomery