The best way to escape the Winter chill is with a hot Summer romance! With Jenny Han’s new TV adaptation,…Read more
Search Results for: Eliza Redgold
What To Read Based On Your Favourite Bridgerton Character…
Seemingly the whole world is OBSESSED with Netflix’s foray into Regency romance with their new show Bridgerton, based on the…Read more
Your ~Bookish~ Horoscope For July!
With so many options out there, choosing a book to read may be overwhelming. So why not pick your next…Read more
Feed Your E-Reader: New Releases Today, Hot Off the Press!
available in digital and print! Best-selling Australian author Jennie Jones takes us back to Swallow’s Fall for one more story:…Read more
April Showers New Books on the World!
…and we’re not foolin’. You can also now buy Escape titles directly from the Harlequin Mills & Boon web page,…Read more
Celebrating all over the World (wide web)
Our blog has been a bit quiet lately, but that’s because we’ve been so busy spreading the Escape word elsewhere….Read more
The Perfect Hero
Does he exist? It’s a question I get asked an awful lot (often followed up with something along the lines…Read more
Eat, Drink, and (definitely) be a little Merry!
Eliza and Lily bake the perfect bloke “Once upon a time, two Escape Artists, Eliza Redgold and Lily Malone were…Read more
May Releases
(apologies for the lateness of this post – I thought I’d scheduled it for 1 May. Turns out I’d scheduled…Read more