I bet you weren’t aware that lurking deep within the internet bowels of Escape Publishing five non-assuming, seemingly mild-mannered Escape artists live a double life.
A life of international mystery and intrigue, stealth and Danger! So dangerous that the first letter of the word requires capitalisation.
That’s right. When we’re not tapping away furiously at our keyboards in the pursuit of romance excellence, we’re engaging in…naughtiness. That is, writing about lurv and all the naughty fun things that can crop up in love and the bedroom.
Our naughtiness is all designed to introduce a little bit of extra vim, verve and fun to our promotion efforts. Promotion can be hard work, but making sure we get a laugh out of it and doing it as a team who support one another’s efforts makes it that much easier.
And then there’s the added creativity generated by all for our author brains pulling together in a tandem effort, like a team of eager but easily distracted huskies tied to a giant, mutant sled. Whether it’s articles, round robin stories, prizes or podcasts, we pitch in together to come up with ideas, and the discussions around the ideas are often hilarious. Plus, everyone brings different resources to the group, so we all benefit from one another’s expertise and networks.
So, who are these mysterious Naughty Ninjas?
There’s co-founder and erotic romancer Rhyll ‘The Lady’ Biest, author of Unrestrained, which is expected to be released by Escape on November 1, 2014.
Contemporary romancer Sandra ‘Cookieface’ Antonelli, author of A Basic Renovation, For Your Eyes Only and Driving in Neutral, which is expected to be released by Escape on September 1, 2014.
Erotic romancer, Cate ‘The Man Eater’ Ellink, author of The Virginity Mission and Deep Diving, which is expected to be released by Escape on August 26, 2014.
Contemporary romancer, Lily ‘ Beanie Queen’ Malone, author of His Brand of Beautiful.
Magical Realism romancer, Sarah ‘Sizzing Yoga Pants’ Belle, author of Hindsight and Miss Spelled, which is expected to be released by Escape on September 1, 2014.
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, these authors are ninja-ing, so if you’re in the mood for a bit of fun, a bit of naughtiness and a whole lotta romance writer crazy sauce, check us out at http://www.naughtyninjas.net. Or even better, subscribe to our monthly newsletter and be in the running to score all sorts of ninja booty, as well as being the first to see our regular round-robin stories set in Coffeelandia – the speed dating capital of E-romance!