ARRA Nominee – Sandra Antonelli


ARRA Nominee – Sandra Antonelli

As an author, I really I like the idea of having a cult following. The word cult comes from the latin ‘cultus’ meaning worship. But let’s get this straight out in the open now. There is no religious, political, or aliens-are-coming-for-us doomsday slant to the type of cult following I mean.

There is no brainwashing.

In the cult I have in mind, there are cookies and coffee and the only thing we’ll worship is books, lots and lots of books with happy endings. Everyone will be welcome and we will worship romance fiction in every form!

8876I bet you like that idea.

I bet you like that idea as much as I do. It thrills you. It thrills you and relaxes you.

Sit back and think about romance. Think about how thrilling romance is. Think about A Basic Renovation.

Go ahead. Let yourself slip into a relaxed state of mind and think about reading romance.

You are more and more relaxed as you think about reading romance.

Yes, your desire to read romance is getting greater and greater with every sentence you read in this paragraph. You notice it feels totally natural to you that you want to re-read Sandra’s fantastic book A Basic Renovation. You remember that lighter than air feeling you had after finished A Basic Renovation the first time. You enjoyed reading the smartass. You laughed out loud.

Go ahead and laugh again. Laugh, laugh, laugh until you cry…and then laugh again.

For some inexplicable reason you want a cup of coffee and a cookie. You want to drink that coffee and eat that cookie as you think about what a fabulously quirky and fun book A Basic Renovation was. Have that cookie. Sip your coffee. And notice you are totally relaxed. You have never been so relaxed before.

Close your eyes for a few moments. You deserve it. Have a little rest.

Have a little sleep. Five minutes no more.

When you awaken you will feel quite refreshed. You will, quite happily, vote for A Basic Renovation as Favourite Contemporary. You will vote for me as Favourite New Romance Author for 2013. And voting will fill you with so much joy you will have another cookie.

cookiesWelcome to The Cult of Antonelli.

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