December Recipes: Grandma's Chocolate Cake


December Recipes: Grandma's Chocolate Cake

by Nicole Flockton

When my brother and his wife and daughter came and visited me in Houston in December 2012 he told me every Christmas Eve he makes our Grandmother’s chocolate cake. It’s a very easy recipe and tastes awesome!

  • 2 Cups Self Raising Flower
  • 2 Cups Castor Sugar
  • 1 Cup Milk
  • 250g Butter – Melted
  • 4 Eggs
  • 4tbs Cocoa
  • Method:

Pre-heat over at 250C

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth.

Pour mixture into greased cake tin and place in pre-heated oven until cooked in the centre.

Serve with vanilla ice cream.



From Nicole Flockton comes the intense, emotional conclusion of her bestselling Bound trilogy…

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