December Recipes – Sinful Decadence


December Recipes – Sinful Decadence

by Cate Ellink

I believe Christmas is a time of sinful decadence, so if you’re looking for decadence this Christmas, you can’t go past this wildly wicked delight.

Turkish Delight and Pistachio Chocolate Log


  • 100 g Turkish Delight
  • 200 g White Chocolate
  • 120 g butter
  • 200 g Milk Chocolate (keep separate to white chocolate)
  • ½ cup pistachio nuts chopped
  • ¼ cup coconut
  • ¼ cup toasted coconut


Chop Turkish Delight into 1-2 cm cubes (this is the hardest bit!)

Melt white chocolate. Melt half the butter (60 g). Combine white chocolate and butter (60 g only) and stir until smooth. Add nuts, coconut and Turkish Delight.

Spoon mixture onto baking paper and roll into a sausage shape approx. 4 cm thick. Leave to set in fridge for 1 hour.


After removing the log, melt milk chocolate. Melt the other half of the butter (60g). Combine milk chocolate and butter until smooth. Brush this over the roll. You should have a chocolate cover over the white log.


Sprinkle the log with toasted coconut and refrigerate until firm.


Stand at room temperature before slicing.





From Cate Ellink comes a sun-soaked, sandy, seaside erotic novel about a tropical paradise, two athletes used to getting physical, and a sex-filled, no-strings holiday fling.