December Recipes – Toast


December Recipes – Toast

by Ainslie Paton

Old family recipe, passed down by my Grandmother. Universally loved for it’s speed, practicality and versatility. A meal on its own or a substitute when everything else is too much trouble.

Perfect for pre-breakfast (before that late start Christmas breakfast), also as an evening meal after a large lunch when you’re utterly amazed to find yourself hungry again.


  • Slices of bread from a loaf
  • butter or margarine

Alternative toppings. Favourites include:

  • vegemite
  • smashed avocado,  feta and lemon juice
  • banana
  • cream cheese and cinnamon
  • ham and tomato


  • Crumpets
  • English muffins
  • fancy-dancey bread you slice yourself.


  • Toaster
  • breadboard
  • knife
  • plate.

Method: Place sliced bread in a toaster. Recommend 2 slices. Set toaster to golden brown. Toast. Takes approximately 2 minutes.

Spread approved topping on toast.

Plate and enjoy.

Repeat as required.

Accompany with craved beverage.


From the always surprising, always delightful pen of Ainslie Paton. Love can be a great healer, except when it hurts…


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