We are SO excited that Farmer Wants a Wife is FINALLY airing on our TV screens. So, to celebrate, we asked some of our favourite Aussie authors to recap each episode for us. For the second week’s recap we asked author of upcoming rural romance, Lonely in Longreach, Eva Scott.
RELATED: Read Rachael Johns’s recaps of Episode 1 and Episode 2
Episode 3 got off to a cracking start with the girls taking part in farming life. Alex took his girls for a swim in the river, which stirred up a jealousy or two. Sam’s mum and nonna gave his ladies a lesson in the fine art of pasta making. Neil had his girls literally shovelling sheep shit out of the dam with hilarious results. Nick introduced his ladies to mulching, an activity not to everyone’s liking. And Harry, my darling, you cannot keep everyone happy and avoid hurting their feelings. This is something he needs to get to grips with as Madison puts everyone through their emotional paces with a dramatic walkout.
The entire cast gathered together in Far North Queensland to take part in an Italian Feast, courtesy of Sam’s posse. The general vibe was happy with everyone largely pleased to see each other again, right up until the moment Madison made an unexpected reappearance that managed to put more than one nose out of joint with both Stacy and Ash questioning their connection with Harry. Once again, Harry tries to keep everyone happy and fails miserably.
Episode 4 shook things up with the one-on-one dates. Each farmer chose a girl to spend time with before the others rejoin them at the farm. Neil and Karissa have a brilliant time at the Tamworth Country Music Festival before ending the night with a passionate kiss. Harry takes Stacey on a romantic picnic resulting in some sweet, heart-melting moments and, you guessed it, a kiss. Alex invited Henrietta to his secret oasis, an artesian bore set up like an outdoor spa. Things were going well until their communication issues resurfaced and now Henrietta is having doubts. Again. Sam and Emily went swimming in a beautiful location where Sam poured out his heart, only to run straight into Emily’s emotional armour. Nick and Emma have a lovely time eating oysters and drinking champagne.
The one-on-one dates took the lid off simmering jealousies as the remaining girls begin to question their place in their farmer’s hearts. Heavy conversations are had and decisions are made. Down in Tasmania, Nick sends Marnie home, while back up north on Sam’s farm, Kirsten decides she’s had enough and wants to go home.
Buckle up your seatbelts because I think we’re in for a bumpy ride next week.
The Highs
- Neil and Karissa’s date (with the fabulous moment they meet Lee Kernaghan). I think these two make a great couple and I’m barracking for them.
- The moment Jess breaks Alex’s fence by snagging it with the ute. Hilarious.
- So lovely to see Sam’s ladies all having fun making pasta with Nonna and Mum. They remind me of a bunch of sister-wives…now there’s a thought.
- The reunion in Innisfail provided a fab girly moment. These girls really seem to like each other and that’s such a refreshing change from other dating shows.
The Lows
- Madison’s walkout followed by her return. I, for one, would not have taken her back. What happened to make her change her mind? I do not trust her and I don’t think you should either, Harry.
- Harry’s attempts to comfort Stacey and Ash fail. While he keeps saying he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings he’s doing a good job of making people cry.
- Alex has an uncanny ability to put his foot in his mouth with Henrietta. After telling her she’s not his type, when I think he only meant to say he usually goes for blondes, he then basically tells her she might be too sophisticated for him. I’m beginning to wonder if Alex is a player.
- Neil’s heartbreaking story about the accident that took the life of his first love, Francine. I wanted to give him a big cyber bear hug, and I bet you did too.
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Huh? Moments
- If you can’t talk about your ex-boyfriend without bursting into tears then maybe you should rethink your place on a dating show. Yes, I’m talking to you, Madison.
Lingering Questions
- Harry’s promise to take care of Stacey is a brash one. Is he making promises he can’t keep? Can he deliver? Can we trust him?
- Is Karlana stirring the pot or is she being a genuine friend when she tells Jess about Alex and Henrietta’s kiss? Friend or frenemy? Only time will tell.
- Jess tells Alex she’s not going to fight for him. Is this a mistake? She’s given up a lot to be here. Is she fierce enough to stake her claim?
- According to next week’s promo, someone cheats on Harry. Could it be Ash? She seemed pretty upset by Madison’s return and that could be enough for her to look elsewhere.
- Neil and Karissa will solidify their bond at the B&S ball.
- Alex will lose either Jess or Henrietta. Neither girl is keen to hang around and feel neglected. The B&S will be a make or break for him.
- After getting a frosty reception from Emily, Sam may turn his attention back to Sophie.
- As for Nick, I think Liz’s preoccupation with having children may wear him down. After his great date with Emma, Liz’s biological clock might not be the only thing ticking and I predict things are going to get very tense indeed.
Eva Scott
Eva comes from a family of storytellers and has been writing her own stories since she could hold a pencil. Growing up in a multicultural neighbourhood in Melbourne, Eva developed her wanderlust and a passion for culture and language. She travelled the world, living in Britain before coming home to Australia to study Anthropology. Wanderlust got the better of her again, so Eva packed up and headed to Papua New Guinea to live and work where she was completely in her element. Eva’s passion for the Australian country is born of her large extended family, which is spread out across the land. She volunteers at the local primary schools, teaching writing and working with children to incite a love of books and reading. Eva’s books explore relationships, culture, our roles in changing society, love and loss. She loves finding connections with readers over shared experiences.
If you’d like to know more about Eva, her books, or to connect with her online, you can visit her website
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