Exclusive Excerpt: Deal Breaker


Exclusive Excerpt: Deal Breaker

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From one-night-stand to new boss…

Alex Broadhurst. She’d known that was the new boss’s name, but she hadn’t realised he was the same Alex she’d … met all those months ago.

Maybe he didn’t remember.

Please don’t let him remember.

Ellen perched on the edge of her seat, not even remotely able to keep from studying the man in front of her. A sweep of cheekbones, long face with a straight nose, strong jaw. Crisp blue cotton shirt, red silk tie. Even from this angle, anyone could see he was gorgeous. So clean-cut, masculine and handsome, he could sell cologne for Armani.

Yes. The man was indisputably gorgeous.

Her shoulders dropped and the tightness in her chest eased just a fraction. An attractive guy with success written all over him—chances were, he went home with many, many women. And it was a while ago, their fling. Even if he recognised her, he probably couldn’t pinpoint the where and the when.

The how.

God, the how.

Not helpful, Ellen.

She tore her gaze away, searching for something apart from Alex to hold her attention, but apart from his train wreck of a desk, which held a laptop and various piles of papers dripping in red scribble, the office was bare. No photos, nothing personal.

Maybe it was because he had no personality, like everyone was saying.

When Jeremy had been boss, this office had been full to the brink—photos of Jeremy shaking hands with various important people, framed degrees, posters with witty quotes, novelty gifts. But then again, given the way Jeremy had left, that was nothing to aspire to.

And it wasn’t true that Alex had no personality. He did—and a wicked, sneaky sense of humour. He was also very … generous. She had reason to know.

The pen came to rest. ‘Right. Ellen Kennedy.’ Alex extracted a page from one of the piles—her CV, no red, thank God—and scanned it, nodding occasionally. ‘Okay.’

He dropped it on the table and looked at her. Her stomach clenched. Those eyes. Intense hazel, bright against his dark hair and olive skin. Swarthy almost, as described in the historical romance novels she liked way too much. She had no trouble recalling exactly why she’d said yes that night. At least she could credit herself with having good taste.

Heat flushed her neck and cheeks.

He must remember. No?

Deal Breaker will release 12 September 2017. One-click pre-order below:

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