The benefit of watching 20 episodes of one show in three days is that you get to see how the characters develop in a short time. Characters I didn’t necessarily warm to at the start fast became my favourite.
Virgin River is not your usual quaint and cosy small-town drama and that’s probably why I like it so much.
The main characters are, in my opinion, quite flawed and they are dealing with very serious issues. And there are characters who are clearly not coping, who are cut down by grief, betrayal and guilt, but who are, against all odds, rebuilding their lives and trying to move on.
It’s a show about family and community but most of all hope. I will admit that in the year we have just been through, this is exactly what everyone needs to watch.
1. Mel Munroe

Now I know everyone else would probably put Jack at the top of this list, but I think I admire and relate to Mel more. Grief is a terrible thing, there is no road map or a right or wrong way to grieve and I like that Mel’s grief hasn’t been tucked away and put into the background. She struggles with it constantly and all props to her for picking herself up every time. Her relationship with Jack has been quite shaky for most of the two seasons and rightly so. There are just so many things to contend with and Mel does her best to stand her ground and get on with it the best she can. She is genuinely a good person and someone I think who would make a good friend.

2. Vernon

This one surprised me a lot. Who would have thought that Vernon would go from being the character I couldn’t stand to the one I think has come the furthest. There is a moment in season 2 (for those who have watched it) that is very subtle in its gravity. It was in that moment that we see the real Vernon. I think he actually provides a lot of moral support to Mel and becomes a bit of a father figure to her.
3. Jack

From the moment I saw Jack I knew he would be the reason I continued watching. The only reason he doesn’t sit at number 1 for me is the way he treated Charmaine. As much as we are not meant to like Charmaine, her only mistake was expecting more from Jack. I feel like he tossed her aside a bit. In every other respect I think Jack is a great guy and he is incredibly good looking so that always helps.

4. Charmaine

For the reasons above, I think Charmaine was a little bit hard done by and so her behaviour directly reflected that. She was pushed into a corner and she came out second best.
5. Hope

I will just put it out there: I don’t really like Hope. I think everything she does has an ulterior motive and I’m not sure she is genuine. She does have her moments of kindness, but I think on the most part she is quite prickly.
6. Preach

Nothing against this character, I just don’t find him exciting. He spent probably a season and a half just in the background. Paige is supposed to be his love interest but I’m just not feeling it. It’s a bit blah. He’s a bit blah!!!