Obligatory Game of Thrones Post


Obligatory Game of Thrones Post

…because we’re just as excited about its return as the rest of the internet.

So tell us, who’s got the early jump on your favourite S4 GOT relationship?

j&BJamie and Brienne?

GameOfThrones-Margaery-Olenna_01Margery and Lady Olenna?

The-Hound-AryaThe Hound and Arya?

9556140-largeThe classic bromance of Jon Snow and Sam?

Tyrion-Lannister-and-Bronn-the-sellsword-Game-of-Thrones-season-3-episode-1Or other bromance Tyrion and Bronn?

daarioor perhaps Khaleesi and new Daario?

[polldaddy poll=7951145]