The new season of The Bachelorette Australia is drawing ever-nearer and we are getting SO excited to watch all the fun-filled romantic drama of Ali’s quest for love.
Is this the arrival of Ali’s Mr Right? From dance moves to giant teddy bears, here’s the very first look at this year’s Bachelors 🕺🐻🌹 #BacheloretteAU
— #BacheloretteAU (@BacheloretteAU) September 18, 2018
So, to celebrate, we’ve created a a Bachelorette fantasy league you can play with all your Bachelorette-loving friends as you watch the show (ps it can get REALLY competitive).
Here’s how to play:
- Find a group of friends to be in your league (4-6 is a good number)
- At the beginning of the season pick your team of contestants (usually 3 contestants per league-member).
- During each episode, each person accumulates points when anybody on their team does anything points-worthy (see below).
- At the end of the season, the person whose team got the most points wins.
You can decide in your leagues whether more than one person is allowed a particular contestant and/or whether people are allowed to ‘redraft’ if one of their contestants gets sent home (You’ll also need to pick someone to count the points).
The Prize: Eternal glory and bragging rights, until the next season at least
Find a full list of contestants here