Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there!
Many of us have either set reading goals this year, are wanting to educate ourselves on a new topic, or – and I feel this one to my core – are trying to curb Netflix bingeing habits with a stimulating book. So it can be extremely frustrating when we simply cannot find the time to read. Or perhaps we can find the time, but when we do, we struggle to get into the story.
I am no stranger to this rut, and as an experienced non-reader, I have a few tricks you can try that just might help you out!
- Jump on social media
This one may sound counterproductive but I highly recommend giving it a go! Next time you’re aimlessly scrolling your newsfeed, try searching for accounts and hashtags that will lead you to your next read. It’s a good idea to start with keywords that reflect your interests (for example, if you’re into crime novels try searching #crimenovel or #readcrimefiction). Doing this will also introduce you to a bunch of awesome accounts to follow that will ensure you’re always in supply of awesome book content! - Join a book club
Better yet, surround yourself with people who have the same interests as you! Joining a club can be a great way to keep on track with your reading goals with the added bonus of discussing your thoughts and theories. Find out more on book clubs here. - Read a romance
Do you ever find yourself browsing Netflix for that perfect rom-com with characters that have maximum chemistry and a plot line that requires minimal effort to follow? Romance novels are the book equivalent! They are easily absorbed (AKA we just can’t get enough of the main love interests and why won’t they get together already?!) which makes them the perfect kind of books to help you slip back into a regular reading habit. - Re-read a favourite
This is my go-to strategy! I have a handful of YA books from my teen years that I shamelessly re-read every now and then. It’s great to jump back into the lives of characters you once obsessed over and rediscover your love for a great fictional world! - Watch a screen adaptation
Find a film or series based off a book and give it a go. If you like it, try out the book version. Because the imagery of the setting and the characters are all familiar to you, you’ll find it much easier to get into the book! - Listen to an audiobook
Special shout-out to our poor time-managers out there. This one’s for you! Audiobooks are an awesome addition to your reading life. Pop them on in the car, on the train, on a walk, while you’re cooking or even in the bath. Literally anywhere!
Give one or two or all of these ago, and I’m sure you’ll be devouring book after book once more!