From Nicole Flockton
On 1st November 2013, I will be celebrating my 16th wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband Jason.
I’m a firm believer in things happen for a reason. The circumstances in which Jason and I met is definitely part of a romance novel. We met via a blind date. Yep, we were set up and it was my one and only set up. Boy was I lucky!
There’s a saying that people come into your life for a reason, or a season or a lifetime. I believe in February 1995 a person came into my life for the sole reason of bringing my husband and I together. But it didn’t happen straight away. Jason and I didn’t meet until August 1995.
It was one Friday night and I was at my friend’s place to watch a movie while her boyfriend was out. When I arrived she told me she’d met the perfect guy for me-Jason. It seems her boyfriend had decided the same because he spent the whole evening telling Jason about me.
It was decided that the four of us would go out for dinner and a movie the following Tuesday. Even though I’d never met Jason I spent the rest of the weekend hoping he wouldn’t go out and meet someone and forget about meeting me. Luckily for me, he didn’t.
On the way to dinner Jason and I found out that we both really liked a song “Lightning Crashes” by Live–that is now “our” song. Along our journey of dating we found that we connected in different ways that only soul-mates can.
We have embarked in the adventure of being parents as well as picking up sticks and moving halfway across the world from Perth, Australia to Houston, Texas. It’s not all been smooth sailing but at the end of the day, the connection we have is strong and together we overcome all obstacles.
On her very first school report, her teacher said “Nicole likes to tell her own stories.” It wasn’t until after the birth of her daughter and having fun on the community board of that she finally decided to take the plunge and write a book. Nicole joined the fabulous Romance Writers of Australia and eventually linked up with a great group of girls and formed ’WINKGirls’. The stories she writes are contemporary romances with either a medical setting or in the boardrooms of high powered businesses. Nicole enjoys taking two characters and creating unique situations for them. Apart from writing, Nicole is busy looking after her very own hero–her wonderfully supportive husband, and her two fabulous kids. She also enjoys watching sports and, of course, reading.
Nicole’s novel, Bound by Her Ring, features an amnesiac heroine, a powerful hero, a dep misunderstanding, and, of course, a happy-ever-after.