by KateI’m not one for resolutions; I subscribe more to the ‘if there’s something you’d like to see changed, then why wait?’ school of thought. But New Years does bring with it some reflection – is there something I’m unhappy with? Is there something I’ve been putting off? Is there something I’d like to make a priority this year?
This year, I put reading-for-fun on a back-burner, and I feel bereft for it. So this year I’m making it a priority to discover new authors, read outside my comfort zone, and make some time for ‘me’ reading, as well as for Escape reading.
I thought I’d ask some of the Escape Artists what their book-related resolutions for 2014 were.
As could be expected, there were a number of writing goals set – and readers will be thrilled at the goals from some of our amazing up-and-comers:
- Juliet Madison wants to write four (!) books this year
- Frances Housden has her sight set on two more books and a novella
- Jennie Jones is looking to write three books this year (while still remembering to breathe)
- Rhian Cahill is cagey about the number, but definitely wants to write more
- And expect new books from Maggie Gilbert, Elise K Ackers, Lea Darragh, Nicole Flockton, Amanda Canham, MA Grant, and Sandra Antonelli
There are also, like me, a number of reading goals on the horizon:
- Narrelle Harris plans to not only read the books on her TBR shelf, but also hold off on buying more until they’re done
- Jenny Schwartz wants to make reviews part of her regular reading, like those on the Australian Women Writers website, to discover new authors and books
- Scarlett Dawn wants to make reading more of a priority, as does Juliet Madison.
- Lea Darragh wants to add Jane Austen’s Persuasion to her ‘Read’ pile
Some of our writers are looking to expand into new areas, or brush up on others:
- Cathleen Ross is interested in exploring some sexy dystopia
- Alyssa J Montgomery has more contemporary romances to write, but she’s also got a Regency waiting its turn
- Amanda Canham is going to try a little more pantsing, and a little less plotting
- Sarah Belle wants to delve more into the writing craft, to keep improving and growing as a writer
And, there are all those other industry-related tasks that just can’t be ignored:
- Robyn Richards and Mary Brock Jones want to make more time for writing, and are both planning on using a schedule to make it happen this year
- Wendy Curtis plans to work on building her reader relationships this year
- MA Grant is looking into screen-writing courses to work on dialogue
- Ros Baxter has an elaborate, multi-step program for dealing with bad reviews, and it includes getting together with other writers more often
- Everyone pledges to spend less time on the internet and social media and more time writing
- and at least one author pledges to no longer post to social media while drinking 😉
Got any New Year’s Resolutions, book-related or otherwise? Share!