We asked the Escape Artists to name their one best thing from last weekend’s RWA. It was hard. In fact, I’m told it was torture. But, never let it be said that our authors can’t rise to a challenge…even if several gave more than one reason!
Susanne Bellamy:
Catching up with friends and fellow authors, sharing wine and laughter, and being inspired by new takes on ideas.
Dr Sandra Antonelli and Dr John Barletta’s presentation explored personality types and was lots of fun. Pitting Mr Darcy and Donald Trump was illuminating! 😀
Cathleen Ross:
Meeting up with my editor and other people I am fond of.
Kerrie Patterson:
Most memorable moment – a group of us in a circle on the dance floor at midnight, arms around each other, swaying and belting Bryan Adams out at the top of our lungs 🙂 (Great choice for the final song!!)
Most inspiring moment – the entirety of Fiona McIntosh’s speech, but especially the reminder that it’s okay to think about the commercial aspect of our writing – we’re in it to make money.
Juliet Madison:
Feathers. So many feathers. Who knew they could be so much fun?! The Harlequin author party was fabulous as always, a great opportunity for writers, editors, & publishers to mingle and celebrate each other’s successes.
Michael Hauge talking about the difference between ‘identity’ versus ‘essence’ of a person/character. The romance blossoms when a person is in their essence and not their identity.
Tea Cooper:
Friends, feathers, frivolities and fantastic fun!
Cassandra Samuels:
Coming first in the Ripping Start was obviously a highlight for me but also the wonderful sword/dueling demonstration was fabulous.
Alison Stuart:
I loved Sarah Younger’s take on what makes a good story – when the page falls away. Very evocative!
Elisabeth Rose:
Highlight: Keri Arthur’s raw and very honest account of her up and down career. Being inspired to go home and write all over again.
Fiona Greene:
MIchael Hauge Friday workshop, focus on transitioning the character from their Identity (who they think they are) to their essence (who they really are). At the end of the day we did an exercise to become the heroine of our own life, using what we had learnt that was fabulous.
Kendall Talbot:
I had goosebumps when Leisl Leighton sang her first cabaret song. She is incredibly talented.
Lee Christine:
Meeting up with like-minded friends, some whom we only see once a year. It’s such a special time. And there are smiles everywhere. Everybody’s happy!
And the beautiful venue!
Sandra Antonelli :
The workshop attendees’ collective shock & awe when Dr John Barletta accidentally advanced his Powerpoint presentation to a photo of Mr Darcy.
Lily Malone:
This one is very self indulgent – but I can’t top that I got my first print book handed to me personally at RWA by Sue Brockhoff in the lobby of the Grand on Saturday morning. 🙂
See you all in Brisbane 2017!