Secret Confessions: Meet Christa


Secret Confessions: Meet Christa

This housewife is cool, calm, and collected on the outside, but the unruffled exterior hides a wild rebel within. Others might see her as Ms Conventional with her perfect husband, perfect children and a household that runs like clockwork, but they have no idea of the games she knows how to play. This is a housewife that specialises in having her cake and eating it too!

Meet Christa. She’s available today. SLAH_Christa_Final

Can’t get enough?

The Housewives Lounge – excerpts, behind the scenes details, chatter.

Which Housewife Are You? – take the quiz and find out!

Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives – meet the other housewives, pre-order, links.

And don’t miss out on the amazing competition AusRomToday is running – five copies of each Housewife Title to win, and a fantastic, Sydney-focused major prize!

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