The first in our Sydney Housewives steamy sex-capades drops on 6 November. To tide you over, here’s an exclusive excerpt. Meet Virginia:
Virginia tossed her Prada tote on the bed and strode into the walk-in. She went straight for
the back wall where she kept the clothes she’d never dare be seen wearing anywhere but at Boyd’s. It might not be her usual night to visit but she needed it. Needed the anonymity
Boyd’s gave her more than she needed her next breath.
Yanking out a pair of jeans and a blue jumper with a low V-neck, she headed for the
set of drawers that held her lingerie. Tonight called for sexy—skimpy—something to titillate her chosen one with before she took him for a ride. She smiled. Just the thought of hot sweaty sex brought relief from the strain that had wound her insides tight over the last few hours.
She loved the girls. Loved the time they spent chatting, or catting, depending on who
sat next to whom, and she totally loved the girl-only time. Except sitting next to Camilla and her sickly sweet newlywed happiness had dug a claw into Virginia that had ripped her wide open tonight.
It had nothing to do with the fact today would have been her fifth wedding
anniversary if Colin hadn’t walked out.
“Damn him.” The words were uttered on a harsh breath.
Virginia selected a red bra and matching thong, and headed for the shower. She’d
showered before going to dinner but it wouldn’t do to have a man between her thighs
without freshening up.
It took only minutes to wash, the other fifteen she spent fixing her hair and touching
up her make-up. Just a light swipe of waterproof mascara and a bit of lip-gloss. It wouldn’t
do to have make-up smeared all over her face after she’d worked up a sweat. And she
definitely planned on working one up. In fact, hot sex against a wall appealed tonight.
Hot. Hard. Rough.
Virginia needed to obliterate everything but pleasure from her mind, and that meant
some nameless guy with a hot bod and the right moves was going to get lucky before dawn broke.
For an extended excerpt and behind-the-scenes exclusives, check out
The Housewives Lounge, the all-access series Facebook group!
Pre-order this title and the others now, and never miss an episode!