To celebrate the release of her book, The Lawson Sisters, Janet Gover counts down her top 10 reasons to binge-watch Australian classic McLeod’s Daughters
I missed the first release of McLeod’s Daughters. I was living in England at the time. Imagine my joy when I finally found all eight seasons online, just waiting for me. In the middle of a chilly English winter, I wrapped up, made some hot chocolate, and watched it; episode after warm wonderful episode.
It’s a bit dated now. It’s been almost twenty years since Tess turned up back at Drovers Run. The technical quality of the early episodes is poor by today’s standards, but … well, let’s make that the first of my ten reasons.
10. No TV Tricks
It doesn’t need special effects, CGI and huge explosions. We come back again and again to see our friends.
9. Girl Power
The women of Drover’s Run don’t wait for a man to rush to their rescue. They can rescue themselves, thanks very much. And, if it comes right down to it, they can rescue the men along the way.
8. Sisters
I didn’t have a big sister, and always wanted one. I imagined she would like all the same things I liked and we would talk about books and horses and boys all the time. Sisters aren’t like that of course; they’re even better than that.
7. The mud on their faces
The women of Drover’s Run got mud (and worse) on their faces and clothes. In a world increasingly concerned with celebrity and appearances, it’s great to visit a place where what you are inside matters most.
6. Those boys next door
Alex and Nick – the kind of neighbours every girl wants.
5. Falling in Love
It can be heartbreaking and frustrating and wonderful. Life would be pretty dull without falling in love.
4. Horses
Get those Silver Brumby books down from the shelf too. The love of horses never leaves us.
3. Drovers Run.
At a time when we are suffering such terrible bushfires, and such a devastating drought, the green paddocks of Drovers are a reminder of the good years that hopefully will come again soon.
2. Reach for the tissues.
We all need a good cry now and then. Keep the tissues handy and reach for them without feeling embarrassed. Crying shows we care.
1..Live life to the fullest.
Love with all your heart, work hard, laugh hard, live hard. Tess and Claire and the others did. I think this is the real joy of McLeods Daughters – it’s life-affirming. Go back to Drovers Run like I did. All your old friends are waiting for you there.