
The Definitive Ranking of Bachelors and Bachelorettes


The Definitive Ranking of Bachelors and Bachelorettes

With the latest season of Bachelor Australia just a week away we thought that it was about time to think about why we have loved every Bachie, and create our own  (highly subjective) ranking…

8. Blake Garvey

Ranked last on our list, Blake cemented his place at the bottom place when he proposed to Sam Frost in the finale episode, but then dumped her and hooked up with the fourth-placed contestant before the finale had even aired!!!

Never forgiven.

7. Ritchie Strahan

We had high hopes for Ritchie, his goofy antics and adorable grin made him a popular contestant on Sam Frost’s season, and Australia was heartbroken when she sent him home.

But as Bachelor his goofiness became a little annoying (“Cool bananas” anyone??) and he was often very bland and milquetoast on his season.

Also the chocolate bath date was horrifying.

6. Sam Wood

Sam was lovely, sweet and charming. Buuuut he was also a little bit…boring?

However he and Snez are ADORABLE.

5. Tim Robards

The first Aussie Bachelor was nice, normal, charming and handsome. Nuff said.

4. Georgia Love

Australia definitely fell in love with Miss Love (you see what I did there). She was charming, deligtful and could be hilariously funny. She also had a wonderful authenticity that made her season one of the best yet.

3. Sam Frost

After watching Sam get her heart broken by Blake, Australia was definitely behind Sam and her quest for love. She shone as the first Bachelorette; sweet, charming and honest.

2. Matty J

Although he didn’t win Georgia’s love (you see what I did there), he did win Australia’s. Smart, kind, funny and sweet. His season was one of the best yet! Also he has AMAZING hair.

1 Sophie Monk

Queen of Bachelor Australia, Sophie Monk was ICONIC. She was totally true to herself, always spoke her mind and brought us to gales of laughter with her every quip. But simultaneously she was open and honest about her quest for love, and as she fell in love with Stu, Australia fell madly in love with her…


Do you agree with our list? Tell us below in the comments. 

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