Leisl Leighton’s latest book Need You Tonight has a sexy rock-star protagonist, so we asked for her list of rock star inspirations!

Who are the sexiest rock musicians of all time? Well, to be truthful, something like this is all subjective. I looked up some of the lists that are already out there to see what others have to say, and I completely disagree with most of their picks. I mean, Steve Tyler? I love his strut and his voice is amazing, but sexy? No, thank you. And Kurt Cobain? Too grungy for me. He looks like he needs a good shower and shampoo! I read Buddy Holly on one of the lists and almost fell of my chair laughing. Buddy Holly?!!! N-n-n-no thank you to the ‘P-P-P- Peggy Sue’ singer.
I notice too that most lists do not include women. What? Women rockstars aren’t sexy? I have to say, I totally disagree. So, I will be including women in my list as well.
So, this is just my list of 20 talented people who I think are some of the sexiest rock stars from the past to now (not in any particular order):
Michael Hutchence
INXS was one of my favourite bands in my teens and still rates up there. And while I had a big crush on drummer Jon Farris when I was a teen, seeing Michael slink around on stage and make love to the mic, and anyone else who was in range of his stadium-level sexiness, makes him my top pick. He’s my Aussie Jim Morrison – only better.
Rick Springfield
He had me wishing that I was Jessie’s girl and still does. Sam Claflin, who plays Billy Dunne in Daisy Jones and the Six, reminds me of him in a big way and I find him totally sexy too. I have to admit, he, along with Michael Hutchence and Jon Stevens, are my inspiration for Daemon from Need You Tonight.
Jon Stevens
Another Aussie who makes the list. Boy, was he everything I dreamed about when I was a teen. And when I saw him in Jesus Christ Superstar…Judas has never been so sexy.
Jeff Buckley
Gone too soon like Michael, but like Michael it was all in the attitude and the eyes and the way he was always so brooding. Yummy!
Pat Benatar
That pouty mouth and spiky hair and don’t-give-a damn attitude – she had an unusual look full of sex appeal. She certainly hit it with her best shot!
I just love P!nk. I know many people think she is too boyish to be sexy, but I disagree. Like others on this list, it’s not all about looks but the swagger. And she has plenty of that. Plus anyone who saw her perform the Divinyls ‘I Touch Myself’ live would agree with me.
RELATED: The Ultimate Playlist For Writing A Rockstar, Thriller Romance
Debbie Harry
That pout! Those dimples! The strut. And those eyes that looked inside you and dared you to play. Definitely sexy in her heyday, but even now she can still hold her own.
Chrissie Hynde/Joan Jett
I have to admit, I used to get these two mixed up and it wasn’t until Chrissie Hynde appeared on Friends that I realised which was which. But they were the epitome of 70s/80s rocker-chic sexiness that I knew I could never aspire to. Dark hair, dramatic eyes, tight leather pants and slinging that guitar while singing into that mic with a sexy slouch – wow!
Her voice is sexy, her look is sexy, her arse is totally sexy and she is out and proud about it all, and yet with a hint of vulnerability that just makes it work that much better.
Jon Bon Jovi
I know, I know, how very 80s my list is, but really, John’s voice, those eyes, that butt in those tight pants. Big Yum. And he’s still looking pretty good now.
Lenny Kravitz
I wish he’d go my way. Sexy with a big capital S. And aside from the voice and the musical talent, this man can act.
The man can sing, the man can dance, the man can sure wear a pair of tight leather pants!
Robert Plant
I notice that Mick Jagger is on many of the lists out there, but really, for me, he’s just a poor man’s Robert Plant. Okay, that hair might not be the thing nowadays, but back in the 70s and 80s, he was one of the sexiest voices and his stage presence was pretty awesome too.
David Bowie
He was sexy and rocking gender non-conformity and I love him for it. Right up until he died, he was also rocking those cheekbones and those smouldering eyes with a voice to match.
Chris Cornell
Possibly not everyone’s cup of tea, but there was something about his voice and the way he stood when he sang. He can still melt me at 50 paces even though he is another artist gone from this world way too soon.
Tina Turner
My god! The legs on that woman. Nobody can shimmy in a short shimmy dress like her and manage to look sexy even when singing ‘Nutbush City Limits’!
Isaac Hayes
This musician was known as the baby-maker, and for good reason. If not his voice alone, his smooth good looks and the way he carried himself was pure sex on a stick!
Enrique Iglesias
Not strictly a rock star in the purest sense, but, holy hell, he has smoulder, so deserves to be on the list!
Ricky Martin
Like Enrique, he’s more pop than rock, but he can shake my bon-bons any time.
Adam Lambert
Like David Bowie, he rocks the gender non-conformity. And like David Bowie, I love his voice, I love his style, I love those eyes that just see right into you when he sings. And he can belt out a Queen song like nobody has since Freddie Mercury while strutting his stuff. Oh mamma mia, he’s sexy!
I hope you agree with some of my list – and hey, if you don’t, each to their own. But I’d love to hear who your top rock sex gods and goddesses are. List yours in the comments.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Leisl Leighton
Leisl is a tall red head with an overly large imagination. As a child, she identified strongly with Anne of Green Gables. A voracious reader and a born performer, it came as no surprise to anyone when she did a double major in English Literature and Drama for her BA, then went on to a career as an actor, singer and dancer, as well as script writer, stage manager and musical director for cabaret and theatre restaurants (one of which she co-owned and ran for six years).
After starting a family, Leisl stopped performing and instead, began writing the stories that had been plaguing her dreams. Leisl’s stories have won and placed in many competitions in Australia and the US, including the STALI, Golden Opportunities, Heart of the West, Linda Howard Award of Excellence, Touch of Magic and many others.
Leisl lives in the leafy suburbs of Melbourne with her two beautiful boys, lovely hubby, overly spunky dogs, Buffy and Skye, and likes to spend time with family and friends. She is addicted to the Syfy channel, and her shelves are full of fantasy and paranormal books and scifi DVDs. She sometimes sings in a choir, has worked as a swim teacher, loves to ski, can talk the hind leg off a donkey and has been President of Romance Writers of Australia from 2014-2017.
To find out more, visit Leisl on her website.
You can also follow Leisl on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
Don’t miss Leisl’s rock-star romance Need You Tonight
Not even fame will protect him from her violent past.
Reclusive music producer, Lexi Deningham, has worked hard to escape a violent past, building her reputation so world famous rock stars come to her at her isolated recording studio in the Victorian High Country. That includes the wildly talented Daemon Flagherty who has just arrived to discuss his band’s next album. After a messy divorce, all Daemon wants is to focus on his music, even if that means going to the end of the world to work with the best, albeit mysterious, music producer there is.
When Lexi gets a call from her twin sister’s secure mental health hospital telling her Cat has been attacked, Lexi has no choice but to bring her twin home. Lexi isn’t ready to deal with both Cat and Daemon at the same time but if she wants to work with Daemon – and she does, desperately – she has no choice.
Romance should be the last thing on their minds, but it seems that neither Lexi nor Daemon can ignore the passion between them. Until the threat from Lexi’s past comes crashing into the present, determined to make her pay and with no care for who might get in the way. Lexi is used to going it alone, but will she realise she needs help before it’s too late?