by JC Harroway
Inspiration is a funny thing. It comes in many guises.
For many writers, a story starts with a spark—an elusive flash of magical inspiration that starts a chain reaction, a cascade of creative impulses. For others, their characters talk to them, waking them at night, demanding to be set free, immortalised on the page.
Into this imagination cauldron, throw a handful of ‘write what you know’, add a sprinkle of creative juice and…voila! You have a story.
This was the process for my first contemporary romance novel, Recovery. I’d spent months ignoring the heroine character in my head, fearing I couldn’t do her justice, when a local news item on the New Zealand evening news added the spark!
A BIG Hollywood name was in town, sadly making the news for negative reasons. But now my curiosity was pricked. Why was he here? What had brought him to the South Island? What was he doing in remote rural NZ?
The answer, of course—New Zealand’s buoyant film industry.
The screen industry revenue nets the NZ economy over three billion dollars a year. But this star wasn’t here to make a hairy-footed fantasy blockbuster.
And this got me to thinking about the NZ film industry and how a tiny, rural community could attract filmmakers seeking stunning locations for their films and the Hollywood A-listers starring in them.
Back to my story. Enter, stage left, our hero—Nathan Banks.
Now I had a heroine with a story to tell and a hero in the right place at the right time. And so Recovery was conceived. The story of a young British doctor, Sophia King—working in the stunning New Zealand town of Queenstown—who is called to treat famous Hollywood heartthrob, Nathan Banks.
Of course, where there’s fame there are paparazzi, globetrotting and glamour, a combination that’s enough to send our heroine running for those quintessentially New Zealand, movie-set-worthy hills. But who doesn’t want to meet an insanely attractive and charming movie star?
She can’t help but want him. But neither can his millions of fans.