This Christmas, things are going down a little differently to previous holidays. Family get-togethers may be on the rocks, and we may not get the opportunity to stuff our faces with glorious food.
If you are in need of some comfort watch classic Christmas movie While You Were Sleeping. The 1995 romantic comedy is the hot water bottle to a chilly night, the popsicle to your summer’s day.
Beware: I am about to simultaneously cause you to fall deeply in love with Bill Pullman’s character Jack Callaghan, and spoil most of the movie. Don’t say I never warned you.
What’s It About?
Let me begin. Sandra Bullock plays a naïve, lonely, train coin booth collector named Lucy, who is in love with a frequent commuter, Peter Callaghan. The thing is, Lucy has never even spoken to Peter. That is until Christmas Day.
Peter wishes Lucy a Merry Christmas and goes to wait for his train on the platform. As Lucy curses herself for not returning the well wishes, Peter is thrown onto the railway tracks and knocked unconscious from the fall. Lucy rolls Peter over under the platform saving his life.
When in the hospital, Lucy asks to see him but because she isn’t family, is rejected by the staff. Yet one Nurse overhears Lucy saying to herself ‘I was going to marry him’. And that’s when the lie begins.
PLOT TWIST: Lucy falls in love with Peter’s brother, Jack! More twists ensue but I won’t give away EVERYTHING.
The Highs
- JACK CALLAGHAN – this man can do no wrong! Even if he embarrasses Lucy in front of her friends when protesting against her drinking alcohol because he thinks she is pregnant or when he accuses her of cheating on his brother with her landlord’s son Joe Junior. HE IS THE HANDSOMEST BOY-NEXT-DOOR TYPE OF RUFFILY HAIRED KING I HAVE EVER WITNESSED!
- Following on from the previous point… DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE PLAYING CARDS SCENE BETWEEN JACK AND PETER!!! It’s the first time we find out Jack loves Lucy and you have my permission to sob.
- The Callaghan family – the reason why Lucy keeps up her white lie. This family is so sweet you’ll get tooth decay watching them banter back and forth.
- Lucy! After the passing of her dad, all she wants is a family again, and the Callaghans give that to her. Plus her adorable kindness and care for her new-found family is a high in itself.
- New York at Christmas time – the snowy weather and the festive lights just make you want to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate in front of a fire, even in the sweltering Aussie summer.
- The scene when Jack splits his pants after falling on a sheet of ice outside Lucy’s apartment!
- Jerry Wallace – Lucy’s manager who makes her work public holidays and who Lucy goes to for advice, but who just ends up humorously scolding her for her actions.
- THAT PROPOSAL SCENE between Jack and Lucy… plus the Callaghan family. Pure fairy-tale stuff!
- SAUL – the only Godfather worthy of the title
The Lows
- ASHLEY freaking BARTLETT BACON! The ex-fiancée of Peter who comes back for his money and her cat. No one likes you Ashley. No one.
- ASHLEY’s ex-fiancé who pops up at the wedding ceremony for no reason but to stir the pot even more. I’m with Lucy, running straight out of there.
- Jo Junior’s style. Need I say more?
The Best Holiday Moments
- When Lucy and Jack kiss under the mistletoe – starry eyes!
- Jack gifts Lucy a snow globe with Florence inside *cries*
- All the scenes with NYC lit up like a Christmas bauble!!
- Every Callaghan family dinner, especially their Christmas do-over.
Final Thoughts
It’ll make you cry and laugh and sigh and gasp. I declare While You Were Sleeping to be the best holiday movie for romcom lovers all over the world! Jack and Lucy’s love story is all the comfort you need this Christmas/New Years.