Home Again

Home Again


by Joan Elliott Pickart


Imprint: Mills & Boon Blush Single

Release date: 2012-07-01

Pages: 145 Pages

ISBN: 9781460849569


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Mom Required

Before Joey, his culinary repertoire was comprised of bad scrambled eggs, his spare bedrooms gathered dust and the master bedroom seemed destined to remain mistress–less. But when his nephew became his 24/7 responsibility literally overnight, Mark Chandler knew things had to change. And he needed help.

Cedar Kennedy cured troubled kids, a reputation that prompted Mark to seek out the psychologist. Ordinarily their paths never would have crossed, she the silk–and–suits–wearing doctor, he the dusty–jeans–wearing construction–company owner. But Mark knew Cedar was the one.

The one to help Joey face his fears. The one to make their house a home if only he could get the good doctor to break her rules and battle her own demons.

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Also by Joan Elliott Pickart