Author: Elisabeth Rose
First published with Escape: April 2013
Favourite romance trope: Fish out of water
Ideal hero (in three words): Dark, quiet, confident
Ideal heroine (in three words): Strong, independent, caring
Latest book: Find Her
What began your romance writing career? Why do you write romance?
I read an article about someone who collected romance books and thought ‘I could write one of those’. I’d always enjoyed reading romances and always liked writing but never seriously sat down to write a book. As I went along I discovered I really liked the psychological aspect of two people working their way through a thicket of problems to find each other. The happy ending is the prize and for me the most fun to write.
How do you write? What is your process like?
I start with the germ of an idea and I make it up as I go. No plotting, or the bare minimum, for me. I write chronologically and learn things about my characters along the way. I can’t write scenes from different parts of the book then stick them together because future events and actions are created by what the characters are doing at the time. I do begin to have an idea of what I want certain scenes to be like though.
What was the best writing advice you ever received?
Every page should have some question or some little surprise for the reader, to make them keep reading. I pick a page at random in my work as I go, and check.
If you could cast anyone for the movie/stage adaption of your book and characters, who would they be? (I would love to know why they are perfect for the role! Please include pictures!)
Chinese actress Gong Li would be perfect for the role of my heroine Jacqueline Xue—Jax, an Australian of Chinese descent. Jax is a mature woman with a strong character.
Sam Worthington has the large build and rugged outdoorsy look for hero, Connor.
Besides writing, what is something else that you’re really good at?
I did a performance degree on clarinet when I left school many years ago, and played in the Australian Youth Orchestra back in the seventies. I still play and teach the instrument. Thirty years ago I began learning tai chi and moved into instructing so I’m pretty good at that, too.
A chance sighting leads to second chances – for hope, for family, and for love.
Five years ago, teenager Antonia disappeared. With no compelling evidence, the police eventually called her a run-away, and dropped the case. Her teacher, Jax, has always regretted not speaking up about the rumours she heard circling the school that day, but a random sighting at a train station raises the possibility that Antonia is still alive – and not too far away.
Antonia’s father, Connor has never given up hope that his daughter will be found and returned to her family. When her old teacher, Jax, calls him with a small spark of a lead, he seizes it with both hands, determined to chase it down.
But there’s more at play than simple teenage rebellion and the path Jax and Connor travel rapidly becomes more dangerous than either could have imagined, and opens up new possibilities that neither could have expected.