by Kate
I love getting my books signed. Love it. Whenever an author I know and love is within my vicinity, you can bet I’ll have every book I own of theirs ready and waiting for a signature. Even authors that I don’t really connect with, or authors I haven’t even read, but still happen to own a book or two. l am in that signing line.
And none of that ‘just sign your name’ thing for me – oh no – every book I have signed is signed to me, with my name in it too. If I sat down with a psychologist for long enough, we could probably come up with a deep-seated reason why, but I just accept it: it’s my weird book behaviour.
On Friday, I had a conversation with someone who used to work in a library, and she told me that – without fail – romance novels that have step-back covers (don’t know what a step-back is? Here’s an example) come back without the inside part. Apparently, there are readers out there, lots of them, who borrow romance novels from the library neatly rip out the inside cover.
I have no idea what they do with them (do you?). That’s their weird book behaviour. So, I got to thinking…what’s your weird book behaviour?