We’ve got a lot of movement for May, so here’s a quick rundown:
May 1 University of Queensland, Brisbane – Kate’s giving a lecture to the Writing, Editing, and Publishing post-grad students about Writing About Romance.
May 1 – 5 Romantic Times Convention, Kansas City – Say hi to Escape Artists Rhian Cahill, Lexxie Couper (book coming at Christmas!) , Scarlett Dawn (book coming in August), and Nicole Flockton, who are all in the US for the convention.
May 22 The Next Step, Wheeler Centre, Melbourne – Kate is joined by Escape Artists Rhian Cahill and Charmaine Ross to talk about writing, editing, publishing, and offer tips and stories. Tickets are available now.
May 23 Forest for the Trees, Sydney Writers’ Festival Seminar, Sydney – Kate and the Harlequin team will be participating in discussions about the Australian publishing world.